Philly & Miami
Let me start by telling you that our trip to Philly was over Fourth of July weekend and it was hot. Like “they put ice bags in the concourse and had ambulances on stand by because it was so hot”. I hate standing in lines and there’s nothing I hate more than waiting for food and drinks at a ballgame, because, well you’re missing the action. That’s why I love, admire and have the upmost respect for beer (or any other item) vendors. This game I made an exception. I wanted ice cream and I would stop at nothing to get it. Even if it meant standing in line with some whiny kids and all too patient parents to get it. Oh, and if I was going to wait in line, I was also going to get the damn helmet it’s served in. However, I didn’t realize my mistake until halfway back to my seat when half of the ice cream was now melted down to my elbow and I was leaving a trail of sprinkles behind like Hansel and Gretel. Fans were dropping like flies and the game seemed to drag on (despite our wonderful view of a certain Left Fielder’s assets) and even when the sun went down, the temperature continued to rise. Let’s just say I had to retire my “Flip-a-delphia” shirt after the game.
I will rewind and say we started the evening off at Chicky & Pete’s not far from the stadium. (Go there). Good food, good service and oh the crab fries. Not to mention they had a shuttle that took you to and from the games.

We were one of what I can only guess was about 200 people at a July 3rd interstate game between the Miami Marlins & Tampa Bay Rays. We love going to games and arriving early to the neighborhood to check out the bars & restaurants and take in the local culture (hey, beer is beer). Well we did our research and showed up early to a bar across from the stadium only to greeted with locked doors and no explanation. We called and they answered- water leak. Back to the drawing board. And by drawing board, I mean we were left with the only other bar within walking distance of the stadium. The first red flag should have been the logos painted on the side. They didn’t have an allegiance to any specific team- rather just that of a sport. So big and bold on the side of the building was the NBA, MLB and NFL logo. No team, no names, just the logos. Odd, but hey, the neon sign says they have beer and I’m all about a good dive bar adventure. So we walk into what is obviously a liquor store- with a small door in back that leads to a bar. They have one tiny 24” TV and the three people inside are gathered around watching the World Cup. Ok, I just need a beer- I don’t want any trouble. We drink, chat and map out our game plan since now we’re hungry and early to a stadium in the middle of an empty town. We head over to the Marlins’ pre-game tent, which is just a mini tented beer garden with a few TVs, a bar and some giant connect 4 games and picnic tables. Again, I just need some food and I won’t cause a scene. We finally head into the ballpark and we’re sitting in the front row on the left field foul line. Beautiful seats. If only the action was as exciting. But before the game even started Kevin had to be adventurous and get a hot dog. I’m sorry, I meant to say taco dog? Actually I don’t know what to call it- besides bad. He liked it, but again, he likes just about anything served in a stadium. It was a foot long hot dog on a tortilla topped with chili and cheese. No thank you. But I’m not one to judge (well I am, but I won’t bother you with it). Now I know you’re thinking “wow, great seats to a game you love, how bad could it be?” – well, bad. The game between the leagues two lowest scoring teams went into 14 innings. I repeat, 14 innings. Again, no thank you. So this is one time that I was packed and ready to go but the fat lady had yet to belt out her solo.